what John Doe said . . .
Locutus of Borg
JoinedPosts by Locutus of Borg
What is your most favorite hobby?
by R.F. injust wanting to find out some of you all's hobbies.. my favorite is video gaming.
i love it and i love visiting video gaming stores.
What is your most favorite hobby?
by R.F. injust wanting to find out some of you all's hobbies.. my favorite is video gaming.
i love it and i love visiting video gaming stores.
Locutus of Borg
what John Doe said . . .
What is your most favorite hobby?
by R.F. injust wanting to find out some of you all's hobbies.. my favorite is video gaming.
i love it and i love visiting video gaming stores.
Locutus of Borg
baker . . .
I built four or five 40% Ultimates for clients back in the late 90s using the big 3W motors, awesome airplane considering so few full scales were ever built. I had a 35% Ultimate myself for a couple seasons back then. It was one of my faves. My 35% Staudacher was my #1 though.
I play the guitar also, do the local jam circuit on occasion. . . where are you located geographically? I am in the Utica/Rome area of NY State . . . but I travel alot for work around the NE US.
What is your most favorite hobby?
by R.F. injust wanting to find out some of you all's hobbies.. my favorite is video gaming.
i love it and i love visiting video gaming stores.
What is your most favorite hobby?
by R.F. injust wanting to find out some of you all's hobbies.. my favorite is video gaming.
i love it and i love visiting video gaming stores.
Locutus of Borg
nvrgnbk . . .
nice to know someone else knows what I am speaking to . . .
I have always loveed Art Deco and Arts and Crafts style Americana
What jobs have you done as. . .
by Lady Lee inok we all have stories of "window-cleaners" but some of us had other kinds of work - that you got payed for (slave labor excepted).
so what kinds of things have you done?
what did you enjoy?
Locutus of Borg
WOW Lady Lee. . you sure know how to baseline folks. .
Let's see, at 53 yrs old, this is a trip down memory lane . . . . . this starts in 1971 . .
1: right out of dropping out of HS in Stratford, Ontario . . worked in a furniture factory doing upholstery and working in the wood shop
2: Worked at the Marlette manufactured housing factory in Stratford, Ont.
moved back to Concord, NH in the states
3: pumped gas at my (ex) FIL's gas station in NH for about 6 mos , he was a good man
4: worked in a printing factory for about 6 mos.
5: worked as a machinist at various jobs until 1980
6: went to college for two years and got an AAS Electrical Engineering
LEFT THE THE CULT THE FIRST TIME . . . got a divorce
7: worked in a semiconductor /capacitor mfg plant
8: worked as a field engineer in the telecom industry
9: got laid off, worked as a machinist for a few months (1985ish)
10: worked in the process controls (SCADA) industry for a few years, traveled around the world and saw none of it . . .
got laid off again and moved to CNY, got remarrried to the most wonderful woman in the world (NOT in the LIE) , WENT BACK TO THE FRIGGIN' KULT . .WTF was I THINKING!!! (its a long, long story)
Central NY . . .
11: 1991ish . . .worked on the line in a sweat shop factory making auto parts, hey I got to all the sales meetings!!!!
12: Started my own carpet cleaning/floor refinishing business, it was the theocratically acceptable thing to do!!!
13: Used the income from the carpet/floor biz (worked 2 days a week, made a ton of dough) to start a small global design/mfg business
14: Designed and manufactured Giant Scale R/C airplanes for the competition and high end sport markets (see "small global design/mfg business" in item 13 above)
starting to realize going back to the kult was a big, big mistake . . .
15: 1995 . . . NAFTA is kicking my ass, I have exact copies of my A/C designs coming into America from Mexico retailing for less than my cost of production . . yeah . . . I have patents . . . but they don't mean anything unless I can afford $250K to enforce them, thanks Bill. Still clinging desperately to the kult . .
16: small global design/mfg business failing, back to work in some really down and dirty mfg production line jobs .. . but!!! they were Borg approved . . .
17: Bailed out of the small global blah blah . . .
18: Bailed out of the fucking kult also (for the SECOND time)
19: 1996ish . . . . Worked in Aviation Maintenance, I actually enjoyed this period, I love airplanes . . . working on them and getting paid???? life is sweet.
20: Aviation Maintenance Facility I worked for went belly up . . . . went back to school (at 46 years of age: Graduated in 2003 Summa Cum Laude) got a BS in Teloecommunnicaions from SUNY IT
21: Graduated in 2002, Summa Cum Laude, BS Telecommunications
23: working on a MS Mathematics
24: I have the best job in the world
yes Virginia, there is life after the Watchtower . .
BC . . if you are reading this . . Fuck You!
What is your most favorite hobby?
by R.F. injust wanting to find out some of you all's hobbies.. my favorite is video gaming.
i love it and i love visiting video gaming stores.
Locutus of Borg
In this order . . .
1: Playing Hendrix tunes at the local music jams on my Strat.
2: Working on my house, I am restoring a 1930s Arts and Crafts style Bungalo
3: A couple of sports car projects
yeah, I'm a Hedonist . . . but Mrs. LoB loves me . . .
which celebrity death....?
by nowisee injust heard about the death of joel siegel, the entertainment critic for abc, and found myself, surprisingly, in tears.
maybe it was because he had such a young son and made plans to let him know how much he was loved, long before he died.
maybe because i have watched him for so many years.
Locutus of Borg
umm, make that chris farley . . .
man doesn't this stoopid thing have an edit button (locutus looking frantically)
and add Christa McAuliffe to the list. I was living in Concord NH when that tragedy occurred. My daughter was in kindergarten in Concord and was also deeply affected by that.
which celebrity death....?
by nowisee injust heard about the death of joel siegel, the entertainment critic for abc, and found myself, surprisingly, in tears.
maybe it was because he had such a young son and made plans to let him know how much he was loved, long before he died.
maybe because i have watched him for so many years.
Locutus of Borg
I cried like a baby when Stevie Ray Vaughan died. For some reason that one really affected me. I was familiar with his struggle with addictions and a dysfunctional family (like myself). It was good that he slew those demons and was clean and sober for three years before he died. I have musician friends who knew him personally and they all said he was yhe sweetest man they'd ever known, even when he was totally f**ked up. They all described him as "everyones little brother".
Others that hurt me were John Lennon, (how friggin senseless was that?), the great Jimi H (in three short years he changed the music world forever), Robert Nesta Marley, John Candy, Chris Foley, John Belushi, Jim Morrison,
Just wanted to apologize to Minimus....
by eclipse in...for thinking you were a red m&m!.
i just read jgnat's correction, that you are (well your pic is) the red 7-up spot dude!.
so sorry for the mixup!
Locutus of Borg
ohh, thats just not right . .
minimus has two M's in it, and I swear that red spot was the M&Ms dude.
If this is true then I need to rethink my entire world view and this place is going to need a "Consiracy Theory and Alternate Reality" forum . .
jus sayin'